I was your all american kid.... playing lots of sports, good grades, involved in everything...
Yep, thats MVP in Soccer, Most Imporved in Volleyball, and Academic Award (Best grades) in Basketball.
But I decided to forefit any athletic scholorships to college because I was majorly burnt out, and wanted a normal college experience.... so I headed off to Southeast Missouri State University (SEMO)
I had an awesome 4 years, met people that would change my life, and lead me to my husband!
We were young and in love.... and knew right away that we would be togehter forever!
I married my friend, my lover, my soul mate June 21, 2008
We created the perfect little family!
We have two kitties who are about 6 months older than Leah.... and finally out growing their kitten stage!
This is Cora
This is Jax.
They are siblings, adopted thru an animal shelter when they were about 9 weeks old. Jax is the big boy of the littler, and Cora is the runt.
I am also the middle child of 3. I have amazing siblings! My brother is an engineer with an amazing wife who live too far away.... and my baby sister is just finding her way, a freshman in college.
A few weeks ago we took photos for my parents... our family has grown with the addtion of 3 amazing people.
Sorry! Its a photo of a photo!
I work in down town St. Louis as an Actuarial Analyst.
I work in the big building on the left, with all the windows.... but sometimes I just work from home instead....
Part of becoming an Actuary means passing LOTS of exams.... I study ALOT.... But luckily I get paid study time! Its amazing!
Sometimes I have to study around baby scribbles... I wont complain.
Our newest excitement is the fact that we are trying to sell our house.... We hope to move back to my home town and build our dream home!
so that we can continue this happy little life !