Thursday, February 11, 2010

2 doctors visits, blood work, and a chest x-ray later...

Its been a VERY tiring past few days.

Wednesday morning I took Leah to the doctor because I believed she was getting worse... The doctor checked her out and she still seemed to just have a cold. ... her lungs sounded good, her ears and throat looked good... We were pretty much told we would have to just wait it out... that babies her age sometimes held on to colds for 2-3 weeks! I was again told that if her fever returned or she sounded worse to bring her back...

I cant even tell you what we did for the rest of the day on Wednesday... its all a blur... probably bc of my extreme lack of sleep the past week!

Wednesday night, Leah woke up around midnight with a 102.5 fever and pretty much just wanted to be held.... Leah and I spent the night on the couch... I knew something WAS worse with Leah...

At 530, when Leah's screaming awoke both brian and I... I was so upset that her fever was still there.... after first calling my mother and just crying to her... I called the exchange... I am so glad Dr. Mayer (Leah's doctor) was on call and I didnt have to explain everything that was going on... although I just brought Leah in... I would have to bring her back... something was getting worse with her...

We had an appoint at 845... this time around Leah's lungs sounded wheezy and not good... and her right ear seemed to be getting infected. Since Leah is still under 3 months, we were sent to get blood work done and a chest x-ray to make sure nothing was being missed...

It took 3 nurses to get Leah's blood.... and I had to help hold her down while she got x-rayed... it was all traumatizing to say the least!

Everything came back much better than expected... she is taking in enough oxygen when she breathes, her blood work looked great, she came back negative for RSV, a respiratory virus,... but she did have some fluid in her lungs....

The fluid in her lungs is different than the type that is associated with pneumonia but I cant remember the reason why... She is now on amoxicillan to hopefully clear up the fluid and her ear infection! She should be back to her normal self in 48 hrs.... I cant wait!!! I HATE HATE HATE having a sick baby!

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