Monday, February 25, 2013

Weekly Roundup: 8 of 52

This week....

Has not been nice to me.

I am beyond glad it is over.

Monday 2/18:

Heading into work on a Monday is never fun... 

Today was the day I would be downloading my Final Assessment.  I had to have a designated FSA with me when I downloaded it so the office it was... 

The FA is a 96 hour case study pretty much. A situation, some spreadsheets, and scenarios that you have to write about. Its alot of work to get done in a short period of time. 

To make sure I got off to a good start on it, my mom picked the girls up from daycare for me while I headed to Bread Co to eat  to get to work.   

This would be the beginning of what is know as my "study diet"

Tuesday 2/19:

I tried to start the day off right with a fresh veggie omelet.   It was yummy.... but soon my stress level begin to sore and I ate EVERYTHING in the house as well. 

Wednesday 2/20:

I vowed to eat better today... and I did awesome until 3 pm when a new round of stress set in.

The weather forecast was calling for a snow storm and wintery mix... I knew it was forecased  but I kept thinking it would be wrong and be just a dusting... Wednesday the St. Louis area was pretty much preparing for the town to shut down.  I knew the girls would probably be home with me Thursday and maybe even Brian.

And then daycare emailed me letting me know that they think Emily had pink eye... and FYI.. she is not allowed back tomorrow.
My last full day to work on my assessment and I would have atleast 1 kid at home with me!  The stress majorly set in.... I grabbed the Fritos!  I was beginning to freak. 

I relaxed a little bit that evening with the girls... They are beginning to interact more and more.  Leah also tested out our new Crayola bath beads that turn the water fun colors.... pretty cool! 

Once Em went to bed Brian took over with Leah and I got back to work on my assessment.  I some how was able to knock out alot and remained with only 1 task left.  I figured sometime on Thursday I would have the opportunity to do it, and Friday would be spent editing before turning it in. 

I was beginning to feel better with my +800 lb self. 

Thursday 2/21:

Leah was ready for the snow! (Snow = boots)  She some how is letting me do her hair lately!! Braided pigtails are my favorite on her.... could she look at cuter!?

She went to daycare for a bit while I took Em to the doctor. Yep, Pink Eye... and an icky virus.... plus top 2 teeth trying their hardest to break thru. 

In the 15 minutes we were in the office, the snow began to fall and cover the streets.  I was a little nervous to head back to our house because I knew it would have been getting snow for a bit longer than at the doctors office and if it was covering that fast there, Eureka would be even worse.  Plus there is a HUGE hill, on the highway, that we have to get past before getting home, that I have heard nightmares about during bad weather... 

I was pretty right about the roads getting bad quick.... this was the the top of the huge hill... I was going about 20 miles per hour... I took the picture to send to Brian as a FYI, get your butt home before it gets any worst message. At this point it was starting to ice instead of snow too. 

He tried to put off coming home for a bit, by within a half hour later he was leaving work.  I am so glad he did since a few ours later, the intersection and highway near his office was completely shut down with people stuck for 3 hrs! 

Although I was stressing a bit from not working on my FA, I absolutely LOVED having my family home while the snow fell outside.  We were all in our jammies.  We watched way too many old movies on Netflix... The girls refused naps... Leah and I made brownies.... which I proceeded to eat 95% of by the next day! 

And I made a yummy home made dinner of pulled pork, fresh green beans, and mashed red potatoes.  It was a cozy day, with comfort food. 

Once Emily went down it was back to work on the FA.... 1 task left....

Some other exciting things were happening this day on the other side of the country....
My brother and his wife found out they are having a GIRL!!  They texted this picture to me... I absolutely LOVE this picture so much!!! I do not think they could look any more excited for the news of their growing family!! I know how awesome of a time it is right now for them and I am so happy to get to see them experiencing it! They will be fabulous parents and I cannot wait to meet my new little niece! 

Friday 2/22:

After a little sleep, Friday morning came fast.  Daycare was not opening until 9 because of the weather so the girls and I had a lazy morning.

Once they were dropped off, it was back to the finishing the FA...

Editing, reading, small changes.... all 17 pages of it!

And into the office I went to turn it back in under the supervision of a FSA.

Once it was turned in I had the afternoon free!   I got in a good workout, you know to try and loose these extra 800 lbs I added from my horrible diet all week, and then did a little solo shopping.

Picked up the girls and hit up the grocery store for a few items.... These two are the greatest things in the world!  They absolutely LOVED sitting next to each other in the cart! ... however, the only car that allows for that at the store is the cart with the car in the front... obviously no one is in the car right now.... so heavy and hard to move, but I guess worth they joy sitting together! 

Saturday 2/23
We burnt off a little steam by picking up my mom, heading to breakfast, and then the mall to do a little retail therapy.  It was super sunny out and Leah requested my glasses bc we could not find hers.  Her pale blue eyes are definitely a bit more sensitive to the sun! 

That night I spotted a new alopeica spot..... My body does not handle stress well at all and I was seeing the week's events play out on my body...

Sunday 2/24

I headed out my for morning run....

When I walked in the house I couldnt really seen. I thought maybe it was just too bright outside with the sun & snow and my eyes were having to hard time adjusting inside...

But soon I realized there was really a blurred streak thru my vision... a sign of a migraine coming on fast.

Stress was hitting my body again!

Luckily Brian's parents just got back from a 2 week vacation and they were on their way over to pick up the girls for a visit... perfect timing!!

Migraines for me begin with the vision problems, Excedrin must be taken (with caffeine)  so I can see... then the headache hits a bit, with extreme nauseousness.  I just had finished running and had not eaten so there was nothing in my stomach to come up... then I need to PASS OUT!  Sleeping off the bad part of a migraine  is the only way for me!  Usually the meds do not really work because I end up throwing them all back up... the pain usually just knocks me out for a bit.  I did take some heavy duty pain killers and a NyQuil (to counter act the Excedrin's caffeine) and my drug induced coma did the trick...

I woke up a few hours later with only a light headache... much more work able.

I cleaned up the house, did some laundry, headed to Target, and got the girls.
I have been wanting a piece of furniture to go in the mud room for a while... I saw the Target ad and they had these shelves on sale for 40 dollars.... I think it works perfectly! I think Brian even approves of it! 

So atleast the week ended on that happy note... 

This week was pretty miserable... .

The Universe tried to knock me down a few times... 

I am just so glad its over... 

this week will be better! 


  1. I know I say it every time, but they are just so darn cute!! Hang in there, this week will definitely be better!! = )

  2. I agree with Laura... Cute girls!! Sorry the week wasn't great for you, hopefully this one is better!

  3. I think you gave me your week this week from last week wah wah wahhhhhhhh

    ok I am done.

    Girls are too cute!



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